Friday, August 20, 2010

How to Pass Your Exams with David Thomas

If, you are looking for a highly effective way of helping your students and staff, get the most out of their academic work and achieve higher results; Contact David Thomas now.

Learn How to Learn
Effective Learning is easy and enjoyable
The system works by going through a step by step process that is easy, fun and allows the students to develop their learning skills to a level where they produce results that they never previously thought was possible.
Massive benefits
The impact on the students is immediate and immense. Here’s what they will benefit from:
  • Results that are always much higher than predicted grades.
  • Reduction in stress associated with studying and exams
  • New career possibilities that were previously out of reach
  • Studying becoming a fun and exciting challenge instead of a mind numbing chore
  • Spending less time studying and revising for exams
David Thomas is chosen by schools, Universities, colleges and organizations all over the globe to share his world class Effective Learning System.
He is a great example of his own system as someone who went from high school dropout to developing one of the most powerful memories in history.
"Most schools are great at teaching students WHAT to learn but David Thomas teaches them HOW to learn"
Students fluctuate in the grades they produce. Students find studying a necessary chore. Students get highly stressed when preparing for and sitting exams.
The reason for the above is that students are not taught how to learn. They believe they have a pre-determined level of studying ability and the problems start when they hit that ceiling. Even A grade students have issues with stress, fear and self doubt.
But what is the student supposed to do when they hit that ceiling? Keep going through the information over and over again in the vain hope that eventually it will stick?
We know this approach produces only small improvements in relation to a huge increase in time and effort and yet it is still the main technique used to try and overcome that studying hurdle.
Effective Learning System Elements
  • Here are just some of the elements that David Thomas covers:
  • Why we learn the way we do and why that is almost always very badly
  • How the brain works in relation to learning
  • Why reading so slowly causes all the problems that students experience
  • How to increase reading speed by up to 400% while also increasing concentration, comprehension and retention, the three major problems associated with reading
  • Why the way that information is 'traditionally' presented causes huge problems in being able to handle it
  • How to found out what the student needs in books and texts
  • How to organize information into a way which is more meaningful to the student
  • How to reduce information in quantity by 95%
  • Why we struggle with our memory
  • The basic principles of effective learning
  • Why we already have a perfect memory
  • Interactive exercises to show potential
  • How to learn lists, facts, statistics, any kind of information
  • How to revise to get better results in a lot less time
Effective Learning System Process
David Thomas takes the students through his unique 5 stage Effective Learning process.
  1. Exercises to assess current ability
  2. Background information on why and how the system works
  3. Studying and practicing the Effective Learning techniques
  4. Redoing the exercises to show a quantifiable and qualifiable improvement in ability
  5. Developing an action plan to apply the techniques
At the end of their time with David, all the students will have gained a unique insight into their true ability, proven to themselves and their teachers that the techniques actually work and got an action plan to take it forward.
NOTE: It is highly recommended that the teachers attend this presentation alongside the students. If they do then they can support the students in applying the techniques after David has left.
Teaching the teachers
David Thomas shows the teachers how to teach the students his Effective Learning System. This brings the following benefits:
The students get double the exposure to the techniques – using them on their own and their teachers using them in class
Using and implementing the techniques after David has left is not purely left to the whim of the students
This is the most effective use of time and money for any organization to get the very best out of the Effective Learning System
The teachers are the focal point of any academic organization. By teaching the teachers, they will be the catalyst to see the Effective Learning System applied at its most optimum and effective level.
Students fluctuate in the grades they produce. Students find studying a necessary chore. Students get highly stressed when preparing for and sitting exams.
The reason for the above is that students are not taught how to learn. They believe they have a pre-determined level of studying ability and the problems start when they hit that ceiling.
Even A grade students have issues with stress, fear and self doubt.
But what is the student supposed to do when they hit that ceiling? Keep going through the information over and over again in the vain hope that eventually it will stick?
We know this approach produces only small improvements in relation to a huge increase in time and effort and yet it is still the main technique used to try and overcome that studying hurdle.
Well, the good news is that The Effective Learning System by David Thomas destroys the myth that studying at a high level is a gift given to the chosen few. It empowers every student with a phenomenal set of tools that transforms their study skills.
DAVID THOMAS IS VISITING INDORE, INDIA during September 2010 and shall be among the students of TOP selected schools of Indore.

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